Dog Treats You Can Trust
Free delivery for all orders of £40 or over
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A bit about us...
We are a small family run business based in Gloucestershire.
Our days are spent sourcing the finest natural dog treats and then lovingly making up and sending out high quality, great value boxes to you, our wonderful customers.
Our mission is to promote the health benefits of natural dog treats and make it as easy and enjoyable as possible for you to find the right treat box for your dog and be confident that you will receive the highest quality, value and service.
It really does mean the world to us every time we receive an order for one of our boxes. We are crazy about dogs so knowing that there is another lucky dog out there that we can help to be happier and healthier really makes our day.
We couldn't do all of this on our own though, so please allow me to introduce you to our team of 'helpers'.....
Meet The Team

Bentley is our big dog. He is Chief taster for our Power Chew Box. If it's not good enough for Bentley then it doesn't go in the box. He takes his job very seriously and is sometimes reprimanded for enthusiastically tasting the goods 'out of office hours'.

Poppy is in charge of the Easy Chew department, specialising in the quality control of fish cubes and sprats. With her glossy coat and sparkling teeth she is a great advert for the health benefits these smaller treats provide.

She may be the smallest member of the team but Lola is our Head of Security. Paid in treats from all boxes, Lola loudly alerts us whenever there is a suspicious noise (or any noise really) within a two mile radius of the stock.